Diez Vista

Saturday, April 12, 2025 - 50 KM
Registration now open


Date: Saturday, April 12, 2025

Distances: 50km | Kids Race (~1km)

West coast rainforest trails and gravel service roads with “some roots, some rocks, some mud & some nice trail.”

Diez Vista is one of the most historic ultras in the country, running since 1997 – that makes 2025 our 27th year! Founded by local trail runners to showcase the trails and terrain around Port Moody, BC, the race has developed an incredibly loyal following, and has attracted some of the biggest names in ultra running over it’s storied history.

The race starts and finishes at Sasamat Lake in Belcarra Regional Park, and takes runners up and down (and up and down) the trails of neighbouring Buntzen Lake, including its namesake Diez Vistas trail. Runners experience over 2000 metres (6500 feet) of elevation gain & loss over roots, rocks, mud and some nice trail.

Selling out last year in just under 5 hours, the DV 50K clearly has earned a place on many trail runners’ bucket lists.

NOTE: UTMB points are no longer available at any CMTR events.

Kids Race:

The Kids Race is about 1km in length, and most runners are aged between 3 – 10, though we welcome all kids to participate. It’s not timed, is non-competitive and purely for the fun of all involved, but with special kids’ bibs, finisher stickers to collect, and random draw prizes.

Registration is free, and is available online, or on race morning. During registration, we offer parents the opportunity to donate to Butterfly Run Vancouver, a local organization that supports families dealing with pregnancy and infant loss.

We acknowledge that the Diez Vista 50k takes place on the ancestral and unceded territories of the səl̓ilwətaɁɬ təməxʷ (Tsleil-Waututh), kʷikʷəƛ̓əm (Kwikwetlem), qiqéyt (Qayqayt), Skwxwú7mesh-ulh Temíx̱w (Squamish), šxʷməθkʷəy̓əmaɁɬ təməxʷ (Musqueam) and S’ólh Téméxw (Stó:lō) Nations.


Ascent: ~ 2000m / ~6500ft
Descent: ~ 2000m / ~6500ft

Course Maps

View an interactive map with elevation profile below.

Download the GPX file for Diez Vista here.
Or, you can view an image of the course map below. You can click the image to open a larger file in a new tab, or download onto your mobile device.

Click the map above to view a larger image.



Saturday, April 12, 2025


50km | Kids Race (~1km)


Port Moody, BC

Start Times:

Race starts - 8:00am
Kids race - 11:30am

Pre-Race Briefing:

Mandatory pre-race briefing - 7:45am


Package Pickup:
  • Fri pre-race @ Runners’ Den:  3:00 – 7:00pm
  • Sat race day @ White Pine Beach (start line):  6:45 – 7:45am



Parking at Sasamat Lake at White Pine Beach.
Please note that təmtəmíxʷtən/Belcarra Regional is now paid parking only, from April 1st – Sept 30th. For rates and details please click here.

Aid Stations:

The usual ultra stuff will be available (Näak purees, waffles, and energy drink mix, Coke, water, fruit, pickles, nuts, chips, cookies). If you prefer something special, we suggest that you carry it with you or leave it in your drop bag.

AS Cutoff Drop Bags Washroom
#1 DV Saddle (water only) ~ 8 km
#2 Buntzen North ~ 15 km
#3 Buntzen South Gazebo ~ 21 km 12:40pm (4h40m)* Drop Bag Yes
#4 Equestrian Lot ~ 29 km 2:00pm (6h00m)* Yes
#5 Eagle Mtn Rd ~ 35 km 3:00pm (7h00m)* Yes
#6 Pumphouse Rd ~ 42 km
Finish White Pine Beach ~ 50 km Finish Bag** Yes

You get ONE drop bag at AS #3

Drop Bags must be labelled BY YOU on race morning at the start line and will be transported to Aid Station #3.

Drop bag is placed in the drop bag pile BY YOU at the starting line on Saturday. We’ll then transport it out on course for you to Aid Station 3.

Please label your drop bag with your bib number and your name (we’ll provide sharpie and duct tape, but save yourself the lineup and label it yourself the night before).

Drop bags should be no larger than the size of a shoebox or a very small backpack. A shoe bag is perfect. Oversized huge drop bags are not only unnecessary, but due to overall volume cannot be accepted. If you attempt to drop off a massive bin, you will not see it at AS3 when you arrive as it will be held at the start-finish due to the well stated rules here above, and on the website.

Drop bags are transported back to the start – finish once the aid station shuts down. Drop bags must be picked up on site, on race day, and will not be kept or mailed out afterwards.

* Runners arriving at AS #3, #4, or #5 after the listed cutoff time will be entered as DNF in the results and offered a ride back to Sasamat Lake.

** There will be a tent at the start/finish line to leave a finish bag, but it is not monitored so please label your bag and do not leave any valuables.

Course Record bonus!

If either male or female course record is bettered we’ll pay out $500 to the winner who lowers the record. See course records listed on the results page.

Early start time available to anyone 70 years of age and older

A 30 mins early start is now available to anyone 70 years or older. No infrastructure, resources nor volunteers will be in place for this early start. Any early starter (70 or older) must know the route and be self-sufficient until aid station 2 at North Beach on Buntzen Lake, 14.7 kilometers into their day. 70+ runners must confirm with us in advance that they are looking to utilize the early start. They will be given 30 additional minutes to complete the course and still face all other on course cutoff times throughout their run.

We’re cupless!

Disposable cups will not be available at Aid Stations, nor at the start/finish area. Please use your water bottle(s) for fluids on course, or cut the top off a juice box, or buy one of our cool collapsible cups!

Post Race:

Sushi and BBQ (including veggie options) for runners and volunteers at White Pine Beach. Bring your own lawn chair, plate & utensils. Alcohol is not permitted in Belcarra Regional Park.


Allowed, but only at volume that allows you to remain aware of your surroundings. We prefer that you run with just one ear bud in, but if you use both, be sure you can hear other runners or wildlife behind you.

Poles, Pacers & Pets are not permitted

Leashed dogs are allowed at some of the aid stations where crew are acceptable (review where crew are and are not allowed). Dog are unfortunately NOT PERMITTED at the start – finish under any circumstances as per park rules. We have dogs ourselves, we love dogs, but we are tasked with enforcing these rules on race day.

Dropping Out:

Runners who decide to withdraw from the race must report their decision to the nearest Aid Station Captain. Please do not go home without reporting that you have withdrawn.

Mandatory Gear:

There is no mandatory gear list for Diez Vista.


We are very proud of our committed volunteers. Many volunteers have been involved in this run since its inception 26 years ago! Some volunteers will be on the course longer than the runners. Without volunteers, this run would not exist. Be very kind to them!! If you would like to join our volunteer squad, just click here!

Spectators & Crew

Runners are allowed to see their crew ONLY at the following aid stations: #3 and #5

No outside assistance is allowed at any other aid station – runners will be disqualified for receiving outside assistance at any other point in the race.

Please ensure your crew check in at the AS and make themselves known. The AS captain will instruct your crew on where to situate themselves. Crew can ONLY assist runners within 30 meters of an aid station. Do not risk a DNF!

You are welcome to cheer your runner on along the course but due to the complexity of the course, we request that friends and family stay clear of the Water Station and AS #6. Please respect the fact that these are vitally important intersections and it would be far too easy for a runner to miss a critical turn if there are too many people congesting these areas.

Consult the BC Hydro Buntzen Lake Trails brochure for all roads and trails in the area.

The small blue map on page one of the brochure shows how to get to the Buntzen Lake Park from Lougheed/Hwy 7. If you study the main map inset, you will see the main parking area. The beach area nearby has a “picnic shelter”. This is Aid Station #3 (21km for runners). Runners will be coming through here from 9:25am until 12:00pm.

If you want to see runners at the finish line, you need to drive to Sasamat Lake, which is about a 15-minute drive from Buntzen Lake. Sasamat Lake is shown on the small blue map on the brochure. It is not labelled but the road names are labelled. Sasamat is the small circular lake just southwest of Buntzen on that map.

10 Essentials:

We encourage everyone to always carry the 10 Essentials for backcountry safety in your pack – whether you’re out training or adventuring on your own or with friends, or participating in one of our extensively marked races, you can never predict what might happen. Learn more about the 10 Essentials in this article by North Shore Rescue.


CMTR Events are Trail Sisters Approved. Read more about the approval standards by clicking here.



Race results for all years are available below.
Race Results


Race day photos are available below:
Historic Photos


Registration now open

Entry: $195

All entries include:

  • $10 donation to Coquitlam Search & Rescue
  • 1 tree planted per entry in partnership with a Fraser Valley reforestation program
  • Custom DV hoodie for all runners!
  • Branded beer glass
  • Branded DV tote bag
  • DV sticker
  • Post-race BBQ, soup, and sushi
  • Post-race massage
  • Professional chip timing

NOTE: UTMB points are no longer available at any CMTR events.

Entry Limits and Rules: A maximum of 575 entries will be accepted.
There is no waitlist and no lottery. Entries are non-refundable and non-transferable, and there will be no race-day entries (no exceptions).